The Disciple Page

The Disciple - nWo Page - WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2019

The Disciple

Real Name: Ed Leslie

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 273 lbs.

Date of Birth: 4/21/58

Hometown: San Francisco, California

Other Names: "Dizzy" Ed Hogan (NWA), "Dizzy" Ed Boulder (AWA/NWA), "Dizzy" Golden, Brutus Beefcake (WWE), The Zodiac, Dizzy Ed Hogan, "Brother Bruti", Eddie Boulder, Eddie Golden, Furface, Ed Leslie (WCW), Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake (WWE), The Clipmaster, Brudi (WCW), The Butcher (WCW), The Man With No Name (WCW), Zodiac (WCW), The Booty Man (WCW), Brute Force, The Disciple (WCW)

Title History: NWA Southeastern Tag-Team Champion (3), WWF World Tag-Team Champion, WWWA Heavyweight Champion, SAW Tag-Team Champion, AWA-Brew City Wrestling Tag-Team Champion, NWW Tag-Team Champion, BCW Tag-Team Champion, WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2019 Inductee

Official (WWE) Web-site:

Former Member of: Boulder Brothers, Brutus Beefcake & Greg Valentine, Dream Team, Hulk Hogan & Brutus Beefcake, Megamaniacs, Faces of Fear, Dungeon of Doom, The Booty Man & Booty Babe, nWo, oWn (One Warrior Nation)

Wrestler Since: 1977

Finishing Maneuvers: The Apocalypse, The Chartbuster, Apocalypse Jawbreaker

The Disciple was one of Hollywood Hogan's best friends and a bodyguard in the nWo Black and White. He is a long time friend of Hulk Hogan in real life, who inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Here's a link to his pic page; The Disciple nWo Pictures Page
