The J.C. Ice Page

J.C. Ice - The Nation of Domination Page

J.C. Ice

Real Names: Jamie Crookshanks
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Date of Birth: 7/05/71
Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee

Other Names: J.C. Ice (WWE/WCW/ECW/TNA), Jamie Dundee, The Convict (TNA), Ice, Fire, Convict, Cancer Convict, Ice, Cyberpunk Ice, "Iceman", Gumby

Title History: KAW Light Heavyweight Champion, KAW Tag-Team Champion, XCW Midwest Heavyweight Champion, USWA Middleweight Champion, USWA Television Champion, NAW Tag Team Champion, SMW Tag Team Champion, W*ING Tag Team Champion, IWA Mid-South Light Heavyweight Champion, USWA World Tag-Team Champion (16), MCW North American Tag-Team Champion, NWA North American Tag-Team Champion, PPW Tag-Team Champion

Official (Wiki) Web-Site:

Former Member of: Nation of Domination, The Player's Club, The Memphis Clique, Cyberpunks, PG-187, New PG-13, Rock and Roll Dream Team, PG-13

Wrestler Since: 1991

Finishing Maneuver: N/A

PG-13 was apart of the Nation in the WWE as rappers. He was also apart of the original Nation group in USWA. Here's a link to his pics page J.C. Ice Pictures Page
