The Machete Page

Machete - LAX Page


Real Name: Ephraim Vega

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 260 lbs.

Date of Birth: 12/2/76

Hometown: The Bronx, New York City

Other Names: Ricky Vega (WWE), Rick Vega, "The Alpha Omega", The Street Hooded Guy, Machete (TNA)

Title History: IWA World Heavyweight Champion (2), WUW North American Heavyweight Champion, DCW Heavyweight Champion (2)

Official (Wiki) Web-Site:

Former Member of: Los Autenticos, LAX (Latin American Exchange)

Wrestler Since: 2001

Finishing Maneuver: Superkick, Inverted Samoan Drop, Spinning Layout Spinebuster

Machete was one of the members of the Latin American Exchange in TNA with Konnan and Homicide. He was also apart of the Latino Nation in TNA. Here's a link to his pics; Machete Pictures Page
